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When it comes to great-tasting nutrition, broccoli is an all-star food with many health benefits. While low in calories, broccoli is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber. Broccoli belongs to a family of vegetables called cruciferous vegetables and its close relatives include brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. Broccoli contains sulforophane, a sulfur-containing compound present in cruciferous vegetables. Researchers are studying the anti-cancer properties of sulforophane and have come to some interesting conclusions, although more research is needed. As if that's not enough, a cup of cooked broccoli offers as much vitamin C as an orange, and is a...

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You can get your hands on pumpkin seeds on about any store's snack aisle, but your healthiest option may be the old-fashioned way: scooping them out of the stringy guts of that jack-o'-lantern you're carving. That's because store-bought pumpkin seeds – ever more popular because they're easy to eat and loaded with nutrients – may be loaded with salt as well. But when they come straight from the source, pumpkin seeds are lower in sodium and have more of the minerals that make them so nutritious, said Judith Wylie-Rosett, a professor and division head for health promotion and nutrition research at...

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Refreshing and invigorating berry strawberry is one of the types of nutmeg strawberry with small fragrant fruit. They do not creep along the ground, like strawberries, but stretch up on stalks. Based on the data of the Larousse encyclopedia of Gastronomy, the berry was named because of its round shape-from the word "tangle". That is, any strawberry is a strawberry, but not any strawberry is a strawberry.1 Fresh strawberries are eaten for dessert with sugar or whipped cream. Strawberries are put in ice cream and fruit salads. Berries are also used for making mousses, souffles and chocolate. Open pies are made with it,...

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Evidence-Based Health Benefits of BananasBananas are extremely healthy and delicious.They contain several essential nutrients and provide benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss.Aside from being very nutritious, they are also a highly convenient snack food.Bananas Contain Many Important NutrientsBananas are among the world’s most popular fruits.Native to Southeast Asia, they are now grown in many warm parts of the world.Bananas vary in color, size and shape.The most common type is the Cavendish, which is a type of dessert banana. Green when unripe, it yellows as it matures.Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana...

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Bees are unique honey – producing insects. But many people do not know the process of extracting the product. The article covers all aspects of honey extraction, why bees do it, and how nectar turns into honey. This will be especially interesting for novice beekeepers who want to start breeding insects. Why do bees make honey? Honey is food for all members of the bee family. Insects feed on it not only in winter, but also in summer. When the cold season comes, the inhabitants of the hive uncork the cells and are saturated with high-calorie honey product, which provides them...

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